transcribed by Lala Ragimov, original spelling kept
An introduction to the general art of drawing.
A 1674 English translation of
a drawing treatise by Willem Goeree (1635-1711)
What the Art of Drawing is, and in what it doth consist.
ART of Drawing, (of which very little for fundamental Instruction i
written, of which notwithstanding never can be written sufficient
enough) may justly be called a bearing Mother of all Arts and Sciences
whatever, for whatsoever is made begets thorow the same a good Aspect
and well-being; and besides all this, the Art of Drawing is the
Beginning and End, or Finisher of all things imaginable, wherefore she
may be called a Sense of Poesie, a Second Nature, a Living Book of all
things past. She is called a Poesie, because that she thorow falshoods
and masked faces, represents unto the Beholder the Truth of things
present and past, and by pleasant resemblances makes us in a manner
believe to see that, which indeed we see not. A Second Nature she is
called, because she teacheth thorow Drawings, to imitate and to set
forth all the Works of the Creation. A Living Book she is called, of
things present and past; because that she brings into remembrance the
beholder of her, thinks long since past, so that at sight, or the least
Aspect of any praise-worthy History (in our minde, and in our
understanding) we receive a profitable exercise, a fair invitation to
imitate their laudable Acts, and a Pleasure in beholding; and more then
this, she brings to remembrance the deeds of People and Nations, dead
long since; and the features and resemblance of our Fathers,
Grandfathers, and great Grandfathers, she represents as living in dead
shades long after their time.
Wherein the Art of Drawing doth consist.
Art of Drawing doth consist in this, that she (by means of Drawing,
Shades and Heightnings, all shapes and forms that are in being, or
imaginable) doth express in plain, as if they were really those things
which they only represent.
The Art of Drawing necessary to all men.
knowledge of this Art is necessary to all men, let them be of what
trade or science whatsoever, and not only to those that are necessitated
thorow the same, to procure their daily subsistence; but she is
necessary to be known and understood of all men, as I said before; and
therefore she, as the Rudder of a Ship, giveth judgement and reason
about all proposals distinctively, and produceth the end of her intended
work to appear in a compleatness.
Principally to Picture-drawers.
then as she is so necessary, having the seed of all Arts and Sciences
inclosed in her womb, who then will not judge that she must be the
beginning and end of that famous and high-esteemed Art of
Picture-drawing: certainly she is useful in all Sciences, but here she
is most necessary: here she must do all, here she must be the soul
that giveth life to the Art of Picture-drawing.
The Art of Drawing is the soul of the art of Painting.
as the soul dwelleth in a man, and makes the body amiable and pleasant,
so likewise the Art of Drawing maketh the Art of Painting have life and
lively representations; and as much as the soul liveth without the
body, but the body without the soul is dead; so likewise the Art of
Drawing can live in a compleat draught, without Painting, but painting
without drawing is dead; and in short, as the soul and body maketh a
perfect man, so the Art of Drawing and the Art of painting produceth a
famous picture, nevertheless, it is, and remains indisputable, that the
Art of Drawing doth surpass the Art of painting (each Art in particular
by it self considered) by far.
The Art of Drawing needeth the whole man
Now forasmuch as the Art of Drawing extendeth it self very far, and containeth in her self many, not imaginable mysteries and secrets, and
therefore requireth the entire judgement of the whole and sole man; for
to learn to understand the same judicially, it is requisite therefore
that young Learners receive a short and easie introduction, but
judicial, and that the Instructors, (forasmuch as may be possible) shew
and teach their young Learners the properties and peculiar Observations
belonging to this Art, so naked and clear, that even the dullest and
stupids of wit and understanding, might reap good benefits thereby in
tempore & labore.
The Art of Drawing ought to have his Fundamental Rules as well as other Arts.
this art ought not to be wanting in this, less then other Arts and
Sciences are, which have their Books, Beginnings and Fundamental Rules:
In the instruction you must go from step to step
in respect, that the manner of instruction is a great matter, I have
purposed to proceed slowly, by degrees, from step to step, judging this
to be the easiest and the best way: for it is certain, that in all the
operations of our senses, none is more ready then the sense of feeling,
which in a moment discloseth things innumerable, yet in such a manner,
that it doth distinguish but one at once:
A Simile or Similitude.
example, if you with the opening of your eyes cast your eyes upon this
leaf of writing, you shall be able to judge, that the whole leaf is
fill'd with many and sundry Letters, without observing what letters they
be, or what they express; so that it is necessary the same to reade
from word to word, and from line to line, before you can understand or
judge of the contents of the same.
You must begin for the first step and go not the second before you well understand the first.
the same manner, I speak to all such as by nature are inclined unto
this Art, and have a desire to attain to a compleat understanding in
this Art of Drawing, that they make their beginning from the extremest
parts, and keep such a rational order in the same, as not to step from
this to a second, before the first be well-known and judicially
understood and performed by them.
The Art of Drawing, beloved of all men.
is known also, and daily experience doth teach us, that most men even
from their youth, love the Art of Drawing, so that we may behold
children compelled by natural inclination to draw shapes of man and
beast, and many times draw such things which causes many times great
admiration in us; but notwithstanding that this Art is pleasant to all
men, yet is she difficult in her Perfection, because she undertakes to
do all things: so by consequence a man must understand every thing to
that Art appertaining.
The first Mover in this desire which comes of a natural inclination.
desire must possess here in the first place,
viz. such a desire, which
together with a good disposition of a natural inclination, is
well-affected to this Art, in respect then that Children in their youth
by nature are inclined to something more particular then afterward they
will be.
Parents ought to observe the natural inclination of their children.
How you may know whether a child be born to the Art of Drawing or not.
The parents therefore should diligently
observe the natural inclination of their young children, forasmuch as it
is not in the power of the young children, neither in the power of the
Parents to make of them a good Draughtsmen, much less good Limners or
Picture-drawers, but onely to make notice how by nature they are
inclined toward the same; I say therefore, that if the Childrens
Practice come from some natural instinct or inclination, they may
promise unto us something that is good; not as we behold them playing,
and without pain or trouble to draw out anything with single-strokes,
but when we observe them to be inclined that, which they out of their
head, have drawn to shadow and to lightning also, and so to continue to
the finishing of that work: And those we call Drawers and
Picture-Drawers born by nature.
Drawers and Picture Drawers must be of a singular nature.
What a young Learner must do.
In respect then, that
in the beginning as well as in the ending of this study, they must be of
a singular nature,
viz. of a gentle, quiet and speculative spirit,
devoutly observing all things before him, ruminating in himself how he
shall remember, and keep in remembrance at least the best figures as are
presented to his view, doing by imagination like a Looking-Glass, which
changes himself in such a form as is put before him, and thus
represents a Second Nature, therefore a young learner as would make a
good Progress in this Art, must use himself to have his thoughts
continually occupied, and make so many projections, and several
inventions of Figures in his brain, as he meets withal, and are worthy
the beholding. Then he must use himself to stay, for to see the same in a
better posture, enclining the same by his draught to some common rules,
well observing the business, plane, circumstances, light, and shade,
whereof in this place I shall teach further and plainer.
How instruction is given.
exercise doth consist in two general Members: the one is the
Instruction, the other is the practice of the Learner; the Instruction
is done by a Master of the Nature; after that, the life is the
instruction it self; the instruction of the Master is by word of mouth,
or active shewing the Learner by drawing
Observation of this introduction.
him, or likewise of writing: by the last of these we intend to shew all
things briefly and in short, that thorow this short instruction of
mine, of the Art of Drawing, Limning and Painting, you may be led to the
commendable art of limning, graving and painting, never enough to be
praised and exalted, being the whole scope and drift of our intended
The Learner must apply himself to a good Master.
is fit and necessary, that the Learner apply himself to a good Master,
under whose experience, care and good instruction he may gain a good
hand in drawing, and well-grounded knowledge in ordering his Figures,
and making them of actions requisite, that after he comes to behold the
life it self, he thorow his own genius, and his own exercised reason,
all things nakedly and compleatly, might see and understand to be like
formed with those things, of which he was formerly instructed.